Why CareCube?
The key to true lab and theatre efficiency
CareCube delivers increased productivity seamlessly, whilst enabling targeted service improvement.
Heart centres are uniquely busy and dynamic environments. Operational efficiencies make a huge impact upon the number of patients treated and the safety standards achieved.
In dealing with a mix of elective, urgent and genuine emergency cases, procedure lists change continually.
Real-time scheduling from CareCube communicates these changes to all staff and their patients, across all clinical areas, from wards to labs and theatres, every minute of every day.
This is the key to true efficiency.
Treating more patients with the same resource is even more important today with 377,000 patients on cardiology waiting lists, and 12,000 patients awaiting a cardiac surgery procedure (HSJ June 2023)
Learn how CareCube is making a difference in lab and theatre efficiency
See CareCube in action with an interactive and immersive experience
We believe that CareCube is the answer, thats why we provide an in depth, hands on experience for anyone interested in learning more about CareCube.